HKP office building completed


In Rae rural municipality, Kaamos Ehitus led the construction of the new office building for HKP – Estonia’s leader in real estate maintenance. The building has ca 2,000 m2 net area and the construction period was in total 10 months. The full cost of the building was nearly 2 million euros.

HKP set up their office, warehouse and all equipment in the new facility. For the latter, a maintenance and wash area was installed. In addition to modern office premises, the new building also houses spacious locker rooms, saunas and other amenities for the employees.

Kaamos Ehitus project manager Martin Kaljumäe said that the construction process was primarily characterised by smooth cooperation with the client. “Thanks to great and constructive cooperation, the finished office building met the client’s expectations 100 per cent,” said Kaljumäe.

