Get smart by fall and sprout new ideas!


Kaamos management celebrates this Month of Knowledge by summing up new knowledge and enjoying a valuable certificate

For the past six months our management – Priit Uustulnd, Alo Nõmmik, Ivar Vahter, and Marek Pohla – spent a notable amount of time at SEB’s Innovation Centre. New ideas and aspirations for novel opportunities related to ways in which Kaamos activities and ambitions could be elevated to a new level were acquired as part of SEB’s Growth Programme.

SEB’s Growth Programme was established in cooperation with the European Innovation Academy. The Programme aims at helping ambitious companies identify new growth models and develop at a pace considerably faster than that typical to the market. Relevant challenges may include product and service digitalization, expansion to new markets, or other directions which deliver growth to the company. The Programme results in an activity plan for the company, detailing ways in which the outfit can take the next step in their enterprise within as short a time as three to six months.

The Growth Programme covered the following topics:

  • Designing a growth ambition
  • Prototyping, changing a business model, and creating a minimal product required
  • Testing different innovation types
  • Innovation culture
  • Establishing an open business model
  • Compiling a 100-day activity plan

Alo Nõmmik, Effective Manager of Kaamos Ehitus (Kaamos Construction) summarized the learning process as follows: “One of the values held high by Kaamos is to be innovative. Constantly look for smart solutions, using new technologies and materials – to be inquisitive and innovative. To achieve all this, from time to time you have to think out of the box, if you will, and see the big picture. SEB’s Growth Programme quite officially ripped us right out of our comfort zone and, all in all, gave us a lot to think about. As a result of this, an activity plan was born, a successful implementation of which will take us to a whole new level once again. I do think Kaamos can expect some pretty exciting times to follow!”

We are indeed proud of our fresh graduates and expect them do go on to achieving great things!

(From left to right) Alar Kolk, President of the European Innovation Academy; Priit Uustulnd, Effective Manager of Kaamos Kinnisvara (Kaamos Real Estate); Alo Nõmmik, Effective Manager of Kaamos Ehitus (Kaamos Construction); Allan Parik, Chairman of SEB Management Board