Kaamos Ehitus led the construction of the first biomethane plant in the Baltics in Viljandi County


In September, the first agricultural biomethane plant in the Baltic states with the most modern European technology was opened in Koskvere village. This is the first agricultural biomethane plant that produces output 100% for use in transport. For the Kaamos Ehitus team this was an exciting challenge and a good opportunity to partake in the planning and construction of the new and modern biomethane plant. The knowledge and experience gained allow us to participate in similar renewable energy projects also in future and support the development of this sector.      

The biomethane plant was launched in collaboration between ICP Solutions OÜ, Põlva Biogaas OÜ and Farmatic Anlagebau GmbH. The building was erected on the land of Siiman farm that belongs to Kõo Agro OÜ, which is the only place where biomethane is produced from cow slurry, silo and manure. The annual plan is to produce approximately 1.28 million Nm³ of biomethane with 95% methane content.

The construction of the biomethane plant cost in total more than 6.3 million euros; the Foundation Environmental Investments Centre (EIC) supported the project with 2.6 million euros.

According to Project Manager of Kaamos Ehitus Aivar Tagasaar, the construction of biomethane plant was a technologically innovative and exciting project. “For us, this was the first time to construct tanks for producing biogas and agricultural facilities. This involves planning and constructing a facility with very complex engineering basis. Therefore, Kaamos Ehitus has a reason to be especially proud because we have made a significant contribution to the possibility of producing renewable energy.”

According to Veiko Kaufmann, Director of the Foundation Environmental Investments Centre, the launch of Siiman biomethane plant is a remarkable event, because it makes a local product and demonstrates a solution that is not functioning somewhere else in some other conditions, but precisely here, on site. “Launching the plant increases Estonia’s energetic independence, but the environment friendliness aspect is no less important, because biomethane is much more environmentally-friendly than imported fuels.”                              

Manager of Biometaan OÜ Ahto Oja said that it is a very significant project taking into account the development of the biomethane segment. The project supports the development of the sector and the use of local renewable fuels in vehicles.